Is Everybody Pussy Whipped???

I'm checking some of the fishing blogs and most of them are at least several months old. I guess the ball and chain put her foot down. Luck for me I don't have that problem. Life is bliss here in Steelhead Alley


PaulGHurtubise said...

Oh I got out. Me Bigman Twofish Frozennuts. At 10:30am I would've gladly switched my morning so I could get a good whipping from one of those! :)

4 said...

Man... I'm rain whipped. Tried fishing while I was back home for Xmas and it was pretty well blown everywhere, got back to Oregon and it hasn't stopped raining. I've been floating down blown out rivers anyway, just to get wet.

Chinook7 said...

We had torrential floods here, and only now have medium sized rivers dropped back to a reasonable shape, but the impending cold front will probably shut things down quickly. During this time of year, I'm disinclined to drive long distances to fish, but I might drop down to fish the Rock or V sometime in the coming weeks.

